We will bring His Hope

We will bring His Hope

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"...Jeremiah 20:11

The story of an orphan, the story of Miki...

Imagine an infant baby, who is longing for the mother he no longer has. Though he is not old enough to understand why she isn't there, or to perceive what his heart is longing for, there is a aching in his heart and soul for the one whose heartbeat he heard for 9 long months and who fed and protected him at his first moments of life in the womb. The reason she is not there is that she died while giving birth to him, and now this child is left without his mother.

By the age of 7, this little boy would eventually suffer the death of another mother (his father remarried), a little sister, and eventually his father; the one consistent adult in his young life. He soon after would be kicked out onto the streets by his 2nd step mother, where he would be left to fend for himself; selling grocery bags to make enough money to buy a piece of bread... if he was lucky.

But the story doesn't end there. You see, God says that He is a "father to the fatherless" and that He lifts the poor from the dust".

And because God cared so much for this boy, he gave him a second chance at life. Just when there seemed to be no hope, He scooped up this little child into His arms and opened a door for him to come into Covenant Orphanage. In Covenant Orphanage he was brought to the Lord and taught that, though he no longer had an earthly father, he did have a Father in Heaven who knew the number of hair on his head and loved him deeply. He was also given 3 meals a day, clothes for his back, medicine, a warm place to sleep and a new place to call home.

After a year or so, a couple from America came to visit Covenant Orphanage and before leaving decided that they were going to adopt this boy. Before they left they told him "we will come back for you" and so he waited....And waited....And waited....

He waited for the possibility of being a part of a family. He wondered anxiously whether it would really happen, and dreamed at night of what it would be like to have a real family. He hoped and prayed that they would stay true to their promise. A year later this orphan child, who once had no future and no hope became a part of a "forever family".

This "forever family" is our family and this boy's name is Miki John Dutton. Miki has now been here 2 1/2 yrs. and is doing very well. We are blessed more than we ever thought possible. It hasn't always been easy, sometimes far from that, but doing the right thing is usually never easy. During this time, It has been a miracle to watch him grow; becoming stronger and healthier every day. Just 2 1/2 years ago, he weighed 66 pounds! He is now almost double that!

Even more, we are blown away by Gods goodness even in temporal blessings, as Miki has become an amazing athlete. As we sit and watch him play, we are brought to tears by Gods faithfulness and goodness even in the little things as this once orphaned, half starving street child is now this incredible athlete who is amazingly gifted in every sport. It reminds me of the bible verse where it says: "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong".
People come up and comment about how amazing He is in sports, and to us, it is humbling. It’s humbling to think that the God of the universe, who says the earth is his footstool and who's voice can shake the heavens and the earth, is loving enough to bestow His blessing on one of the least of these. It’s humbling to see the this gifted child who recognizes what God has done for him in so many ways and gives Him the glory, and its humbling to think that God loves us so much that he would want us to be a part of all of it!!!

In closing, I felt lead to share this as I'm reminded daily of our Fathers love for all His children. Though we live in a fallen world where people are suffering, it is the very heart of God to take those who are suffering, lift them up from the dust, and give them a second chance.

It is also a challenge to all of you. There is another Miki out there knocking on your door!!! Sure, there are many exuses, even good ones, as to why you cant adopt, but the fact of the matter is this: Do you really think that God would EVER SAY NO TO YOU PROVIDING A FAMILY AND A HOME FOR AN ORPHAN?????? Really, the answer is no. Its just a question of "Am I willing to die to myself and my time and my money and my comfort to do as God commanded"??? Whether your a new young family, a large family, a poor family, or a empty nester, there should always be a willing heart to care for the least of these.....

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